
冥想催眠日記 2022.11.12-14 What is Wrong

2022.11.12 Saturday

2022.11.13 Sunday

2022.11.14 Monday
進門,從金光變回我抱著八仔,我對八仔說,我們去看樹吧。走出隨意門到青草地,走到左後的生命之樹,放下八仔。八仔快樂地跑著跳著,追蝴蝶和小鳥。我環抱著生命之樹,身體緊貼著樹,頭也靠著樹幹。樹這時發出金光,樹上枝葉更翠綠茂盛,蘋果結得更紅更大更多,樹周圍的草和花長高,開滿紅色黃色紫色的小花。I asked the tree of life, what is wrong? The tree said, nothing is wrong, things just happen, there is nothing wrong, they just happen. if you see anything wrong, be patient. there are meanings for things happened, it's just you may not be able to see them now. I asked the tree, what if I feel wrong? The tree said, what is the feeling of feeling wrong? I thought about occasions that I felt wrong. There were usually defending, and finding of reasons and explanations. The tree said, when you are defending, there's something there, keep going, see more deeply. I was thinking about looking up and looking down. Seems I'm not worried of being looked down, as I know my capabilities well. Rather I would be triggered by failing to make others look up on me. The tree said, so what's behind that? I saw unworthiness, and unappreciated. Okay, so I should work on seeing and recognising that I'm worthy and appreciating myself. The tree said, as well as seeing the related projections around you, and also starting with appreciating others in the way that you want to be appreciated. I keep embracing the tree of life and integrate the message within. 時間到了,我抱起八仔,經隨意門回到房裡,變成金光出木門。

