
冥想催眠日記 2023.11.12-13

2023.11.12 Sunday
進門,從金光變回我抱著八仔。我們到單坐位梳化坐下。脈輪梵唱。chakras activation, tree of light, merkaba activation, violet flame, Raphael green ray healing。放鬆舒服。之後Raphael雙手放近我全身加了一個綠光療癒層。Gabriel divine guidance。很多時一想起問題,答案便出現,怎樣分辦是腦袋想出來還是靈性指引。答道靈性指引通常即時出來,尤如靈光一閃,很快,腦袋想出來有過程經過,一步步分析推演,慢得多,要是想確定,閉上眼感覺,看見光便是靈性指引。對,我有突然想到些甚麼的時候,閉上眼看見紫色光,感覺是一個yes。我說其實也沒甚麼特別想問的。答道那便有想問的才問,或者之前的兩條問題都可以常問,what to do to better serve the Divine,what message to pass on to other people。回來。謝謝各位,我們變成金光出木門。四十分鐘。
2023.11.13 Monday
進門,從金光變回我抱著八仔。我們到單坐位梳化坐下。脈輪梵唱。chakras activation, merkaba activation, violet flame, Michael cut cords. Raphael added a green healing protective layer around my whole body. It carried a soft and loving feeling. I asked Gabriel that sometimes I would be in doubt and feeling not sure about myself. He said you just close your eyes and ask, if you see light you would know there’s no need to doubt or hesitate, if there’s no light but just black and blank, that's also a message telling you to pause, see and no rush to take action. I thanked him. He slightly patted me on my head, leaving an orange layer of energy from top to back of my head. 安住。看見一個清湯掛麵黑髮鳥咀穿日本鄉郊衣服的小孩,背景是鄉野田園,粉色圖畫風。回來。謝謝各位,我們變成金光出木門。三十分鐘。

