
Memories, Dreams, Reflections

有聽過人的兩種傾向──內向和外向; 四種心理類型──思考、情感、感覺、直覺嗎?
有聽過原型嗎? 那人格面具、陰影、安尼瑪、安尼姆斯、大地之母、智慧老人呢?

如果有聽過任何一項, 如果對任何一個課題有興趣, 請認識最先提出這些概念並深入研究的老祖宗──榮格(Carl Jung)! 嘿嘿, 這麼快便被唬到啦? 榮格研究的範圍還遠不止於止呢! 還有哲學、解夢、宗教學、神話學、占星學、神秘主義、煉金術、易經……

這是榮格的自傳。除了記事, 最重要的是記下了榮格的思考脈絡和真實情感。榮格自小便對自己的夢很重視。自傳中便收錄了他的一些夢, 例如帶領他發現集體潛意識的夢、帶領他研究煉金術的夢、揭示他和弗洛依德兩人關係的夢……除了記夢, 還詳述他自己對各個夢的理解。說到情感, 自傳中便真實的記下榮格對自然和宗教的感情、對弗洛依德的感覺、和自孩童時代開始, 便與他一生為伴的寂寞感:

“As a child I felt myself to be alone, and I am still, because I know things and must hint at things which others apparently know nothing of, and for the most part do not want to know. Loneliness does not come from having no people about one, but from being unable to communicate the things that seem important to oneself, or from holding certain views which others find inadmissible. The loneliness began with the experiences of my early dreams, and reached its climax at the time I was working on the unconscious. If a man knows more than others, he becomes lonely. But loneliness is not necessarily inimical to companionship, for no one is more sensitive to companionship than the lonely man, and companionship thrives only when each individual remembers his individuality and does not identify himself with others.” (p. 356)

Memories, Dreams, Reflections ~ written by C. G. Jung; Recorded & edited by Aniela Jaffé; Translated by Richard and Clara Winston ~ Vintage Books

