
冥想催眠日記 2023.12.1-14

2023.12.1 Friday
進門,從金光變回我抱著八仔。我們到單坐位梳化坐下。脈輪梵唱。Chakras activation, tree of light, merkabah activation, violet flame, Michael cut cords, Raphael green rays. let go, 放下,都融化滴走到液態紫火。做功課要寫一個事實一個洞察一個直覺,而我不知道怎樣算是一。don't think too much in your mind. whatever come up, that's it. just go with the flow. it doesn't matter about one, or what is one. what matter is the message. just let it flow. feel. be in the moment. and I'm not sure whether I made that all up. you know it well. you can't make that up when you are fully awake. you can only see them in trance. write in trance. practice trance writing. that's what you need to do. And now you know it's not just talking to yourself. it can be not. try distinguish. try transform, by awareness, to connect with higher messages rather than talking down to yourself. 回來。謝謝各位,我們變成金光出木門。四十五分鐘。

2023.12.2 Saturday
進門,從金光變回我抱著八仔。我們到單坐位梳化坐下。脈輪梵唱。Chakras activation, tree of light, merkabah activation, violet flame, Michael cut cords, Raphael green rays. 安住。保護。回來。謝謝各位,我們變成金光出木門。三十八分鐘。

2023.12.3 Sunday
進門,從金光變回我抱著八仔。我們到單坐位梳化坐下。脈輪梵唱。chakras activation, tree of light, merkabah activation, violet flame, Raphael green rays. 安住。光。清洗。清淨。現在。只有現在。action brings manifestation. 回來。謝謝各位,我們變成金光出木門。三十五分鐘。

2023.12.4 Monday
進門,從金光變回我抱著八仔。我們到單坐位梳化坐下。脈輪梵唱。Chakras activation, tree of light, merkabah activation, violet flame, Michael cut cords, Raphael green rays. 安住。靜。光。白光。回來。謝謝各位,我們變成金光出木門。三十一分鐘。

2023.12.5 Tuesday
進門,從金光變回我抱著八仔。我們到單坐位梳化坐下。脈輪梵唱。Chakras activation, tree of light, merkabah activation, violet flame, Michael cut cords, Raphael green rays. 安住。光。vessel。讓光下照到丹田。安住。光。回來。謝謝各位,我們變成金光出木門。三十三分鐘。

2023.12.6 Wednesday
進門,從金光變回我抱著八仔。我們到單坐位梳化坐下。脈輪梵唱。chakras activation, tree of light, merkabah activation, violet flame, Michael cut cords, Raphael green rays. 安住。光。空。靜。光。回來。謝謝各位,我們變成金光出木門。三十七分鐘。

2023.12.7 Thursday
進門,從金光變回我抱著八仔。我們到單坐位梳化坐下。脈輪梵唱。Chakras activation, tree of light, merkabah activation, violet flame, Michael cut cords, Raphael green rays. 安住。光。回來。謝謝各位,我們變成金光出木門。三十二分鐘。

2023.12.8 Friday
進門,從金光變回我抱著八仔。我們到單坐位梳化坐下。脈輪梵唱。Chakras activation, tree of light, merkabah activation, violet flame, Michael cut cords, Raphael green rays. 肩膊頸的繃緊放鬆了,心和左手沒有痛楚了,這就是清除不屬於自己的能量和能量阻塞吧。安住。光。昏沉。回來。腳底有一下下如呼吸的輕微振頻。謝謝各位,我們變成金光出木門。三十五分鐘。

2023.12.9 Saturday
進門,從金光變回我抱著八仔。我們到單坐位梳化坐下。脈輪梵唱。Chakras activation, tree of light, merkabah activation, violet flame, Michael cut cords, Raphael green rays. 安住。光。飄。昏沉。messenger。projection is by awareness, amplification is by intuition. 回來。謝謝各位,我們變成金光出木門。三十五分鐘。

2023.12.10 Sunday
進門,從金光變回我抱著八仔。我們到單坐位梳化坐下。脈輪梵唱。Chakras activation, tree of light, merkabah activation, violet flame, Raphael green rays. 安住。光。疲倦。昏沉。清明。光。回來。謝謝各位,我們變成金光出木門。三十三分鐘。

2023.12.11 Monday
進門,從金光變回我抱著八仔。我們到單坐位梳化坐下。脈輪梵唱。Chakras activation, tree of light, merkabah activation, violet flame, Michael cut cords, Raphael green rays. 身體上的繃緊和疼痛,都由紫火和綠光清理,怪不得常看到紫光和綠光,一起用最快最見效。回來。謝謝各位。我們變成金光出木門。十五分鐘。

2023.12.12 Tuesday
進門,從金光變回我抱著八仔。我們到單坐位梳化坐下。脈輪梵唱。Chakras activation, tree of light, merkabah activation, violet flame, Michael cut cords, Raphael green rays. 回來。謝謝各位。我們變成金光出木門。三十分鐘。

2023.12.13 Wednesday
進門,從金光變回我抱著八仔。我們到單坐位梳化坐下。脈輪梵唱。Chakras activation, tree of light, merkabah activation, violet flame, Michael cut cords, Raphael green rays. 燦爛金光從頭頂灑落。安住。定。回來。謝謝各位。我們變成金光出木門。三十三分鐘。

2023.12.14 Thursday
進門,從金光變回我抱著八仔。我們到單坐位梳化坐下。脈輪梵唱。Chakras activation, tree of light, merkabah activation, violet flame, Michael cut cords, Raphael green rays. 淺錄色的光擴展成一個大圓球,包裹著整個身體。回來。謝謝各位。我們變成金光出木門。三十分鐘。

