
Midterm Creative Exploration Project


When the time was right and I was ready, there was the calling, like a wake-up call, guiding and leading me. Without any logical reason, I would usually just follow and walk the path, being curious to see what it would bring me. Sometimes I might be lost and confused, and not sure of the directions I was heading to. It was through coming back to the inner self, to really see and feel it, which affirmed my faith and trust to the Divine and empowered me to keep going. Though many said life is just illusion, it seems to be necessary that through illusions we can see the essence. Even we are brave to take the path less travelled, there is still a process, and a journey, to be gone through to become who we are. We learn, we follow, we build, then we let it go. First, I saw the light, and my journey began. At last, I believe and hope the light still remains.

