
冥想催眠日記 2024.12.16-29 毒poison

2024.12.16 Monday
進門,從金光變回我抱著八仔。我們到單坐位梳化坐下。Set up space and protection. Chakras activation, tree of light, merkabah activate. Michael cut cords. Sit in the liminal sacred space and align with Sirius energy. Connect with Higher Self. Higher Self was like embracing, enclosing me. Conjure the I am presence in the higher heart. The two merge together, from within and without. 現孔雀明王相. 見法身?Open, immersed, melted, oneness. Oṃ āḥ hūṃ ho haṃ kṣa malavaraya hūṃ phaṭ. Conjure silver violet flame. sit in the expanded consciousness. saw a baby appeared in the fused I am presence and higher self. 回來。謝謝各位。我們變成金光出木門。二十八分鐘。

2024.12.17 Tuesday
進門,從金光變回我抱著八仔。我們到單坐位梳化坐下。Set up space and protection. Chakras activation, tree of light, merkabah activate. Michael cut cords. Sit in the liminal sacred space and align with Sirius energy. Connect with Higher Self and the I am presence in the higher heart. 現孔雀明王相. Oṃ āḥ hūṃ ho haṃ kṣa malavaraya hūṃ phaṭ. Conjure silver violet flame. 回來。謝謝各位。我們變成金光出木門。二十一分鐘。

2024.12.19 Thursday
進門,從金光變回我抱著八仔。我們到單坐位梳化坐下。Set up space and protection. Chakras activation, tree of light, merkabah activate. Michael cut cords. Sit in the liminal sacred space and align with Sirius energy. Connect with Higher Self. Oṃ āḥ hūṃ ho haṃ kṣa malavaraya hūṃ phaṭ. 看見人身上的毒,也是自己身上的毒。毒沒有好壞對錯,亦毋用找好處,如是觀,而已。Conjure silver violet flame. 回來。謝謝各位。我們變成金光出木門。二十一分鐘。

2024.12.20 Friday
進門,從金光變回我抱著八仔。我們到單坐位梳化坐下。Set up space and protection. Chakras activation, tree of light, merkabah activate. Michael cut cords. Sit in the liminal sacred space and align with Sirius energy. Connect with Higher Self. Oṃ āḥ hūṃ ho haṃ kṣa malavaraya hūṃ phaṭ. Conjure silver violet flame. 回來。謝謝各位。我們變成金光出木門。十八分鐘。

2024.12.21 Saturday
進門,從金光變回我抱著八仔。我們到單坐位梳化坐下。Set up space and protection. Chakras activation, tree of light, merkabah activate. Michael cut cords. Sit in the liminal sacred space and align with Sirius energy. Connect with Higher Self. Oṃ āḥ hūṃ ho haṃ kṣa malavaraya hūṃ phaṭ. Conjure silver violet flame. Scene of the nature. A female voice singing the nature, and the butterflies. kind of we are here to nurture you, we are here to serve you. 回來。謝謝各位。我們變成金光出木門。二十二分鐘。

2024.12.22 Sunday
進門,從金光變回我抱著八仔。我們到單坐位梳化坐下。Set up space and protection. Chakras activation, tree of light, merkabah activate. Michael cut cords. Sit in the liminal sacred space and align with Sirius energy. Connect with Higher Self. Oṃ āḥ hūṃ ho haṃ kṣa malavaraya hūṃ phaṭ. Conjure silver violet flame. 明天又要花長時間開會讓我心煩氣躁. 回來。謝謝各位。我們變成金光出木門。五十分鐘。

2024.12.23 Monday
進門,從金光變回我抱著八仔。我們到單坐位梳化坐下。Set up space and protection. Chakras activation, tree of light, merkabah activate. Michael cut cords. Sit in the liminal sacred space and align with Sirius energy. Connect with Higher Self. Oṃ āḥ hūṃ ho haṃ kṣa malavaraya hūṃ phaṭ. Conjure silver violet flame. See the poison in you, not in others. See it, face it, allow it to surface. Just watch it, observe it. 回來。謝謝各位。我們變成金光出木門。二十五分鐘。

2024.12.24 Tuesday
進門,從金光變回我抱著八仔。我們到單坐位梳化坐下。Set up space and protection. Chakras activation, tree of light, merkabah activate. Michael cut cords. Sit in the liminal sacred space and align with Sirius energy. Connect with Higher Self. Oṃ āḥ hūṃ ho haṃ kṣa malavaraya hūṃ phaṭ. Conjure silver violet flame. 回來。謝謝各位。我們變成金光出木門。十六分鐘。

2024.12.25 Wednesday
進門,從金光變回我抱著八仔。我們到單坐位梳化坐下。Set up space and protection. Chakras activation, tree of light, merkabah activate. Michael cut cords. Sit in the liminal sacred space and align with Sirius energy. Connect with Higher Self. Oṃ āḥ hūṃ ho haṃ kṣa malavaraya hūṃ phaṭ. Conjure silver violet flame. Connect with the I am presence. 回來。謝謝各位。我們變成金光出木門。十五分鐘。

2024.12.26 Thursday
進門,從金光變回我抱著八仔。我們到單坐位梳化坐下。Set up space and protection. Chakras activation, I am presence, tree of light, merkabah activate. Michael cut cords. Sit in the liminal sacred space and align with Sirius energy. Connect with Higher Self. Oṃ āḥ hūṃ ho haṃ kṣa malavaraya hūṃ phaṭ. Conjure silver violet flame. 回來。謝謝各位。我們變成金光出木門。十七分鐘。

2024.12.27 Friday
進門,從金光變回我抱著八仔。我們到單坐位梳化坐下。Set up space and protection. Chakras activation, I am presence, tree of light, merkabah activate. Michael cut cords. Sit in the liminal sacred space and align with Sirius energy. Connect with Higher Self. Oṃ āḥ hūṃ ho haṃ kṣa malavaraya hūṃ phaṭ. Conjure silver violet flame. 回來。謝謝各位。我們變成金光出木門。二十九分鐘。

2024.12.28 Saturday
進門,從金光變回我抱著八仔。我們到單坐位梳化坐下。Set up space and protection. Chakras activation, I am presence, tree of light, merkabah activate. Michael cut cords. Sit in the liminal sacred space and align with Sirius energy. Connect with Higher Self. Oṃ āḥ hūṃ ho haṃ kṣa malavaraya hūṃ phaṭ. Conjure silver violet flame. 回來。謝謝各位。我們變成金光出木門。二十四分鐘。

2024.12.29 Sunday
進門,從金光變回我抱著八仔。我們到單坐位梳化坐下。Set up space and protection. Chakras activation, I am presence, tree of light, merkabah activate. Michael cut cords. Sit in the liminal sacred space and align with Sirius energy. Connect with Higher Self. Oṃ āḥ hūṃ ho haṃ kṣa malavaraya hūṃ phaṭ. Conjure silver violet flame. Asked any energies, pains and unwell feelings not belonging to me to go away. Upset stomach immediately relieved. 回來。謝謝各位。我們變成金光出木門。二十三分鐘。

