
冥想催眠日記 2023.12.19-31

2023.12.19 Tuesday
進門,從金光變回我抱著八仔。我們到單坐位梳化坐下。Rod of power. 脈輪梵唱。Chakras activation, tree of light, merkabah activation, violet flame, Michael cut cords, Raphael green rays. 在內在我一直縮得很小。現在我變成本來大小,再變得更大了。Raphael也變得更大,when you are getting stronger, we will be stronger to support you too. Gabriel先雙手拿著雙耳銀chalice,水源源不絕流下,從我頭頂到全身,外到內,cleansing, flow. 然後扶我入cauldron,我在裡面放鬆地漂浮。flow, surrender。走出cauldron,Gabriel把chalice從頭頂沿rod of power放進我體內融合。我才是vessel,一切依我的will隨意變動流動,又隨我surrender強大。安住。丹田變成一個水池,中間一朵粉紅荷花盛開。回來。謝謝各位。我們變成金光出木門。三十九分鐘。

2023.12.20 Wednesday
進門,從金光變回我抱著八仔。我們到單坐位梳化坐下。脈輪梵唱。Rod of power. Chakras activation, tree of light, merkabah activation, violet flame, Michael cut cords, Raphael green rays. 充滿橙色的光。Gabriel cauldron. 安住。光。回來。謝謝各位。我們變成金光出木門。三十九分鐘。

2023.12.21 Thursday
進門,從金光變回我抱著八仔。我們到單坐位梳化坐下。脈輪梵唱。Rod of power. Chakras activation, tree of light, merkabah activation, violet flame, Michael cut cords, Raphael green rays. Gabriel cauldron. 安住。回來。謝謝各位。我們變成金光出木門。三十一分鐘。

2023.12.22 Friday
進門,從金光變回我抱著八仔。我們到單坐位梳化坐下。Rod of power. 脈輪梵唱。Chakras activation, tree of light, merkabah activation, violet flame, Michael cut cords, Raphael green rays. Gabriel cauldron. 安住。回來。謝謝各位。我們變成金光出木門。四十一分鐘。

2023.12.23 Saturday
進門,從金光變回我抱著八仔。我們到單坐位梳化坐下。脈輪梵唱。Rod of power. Chakras activation, tree of light像煙花燦爛盛放, merkabah activation, violet flame, Michael cut cords, Raphael green rays. Gabriel cauldron. 安住。回來。謝謝各位。我們變成金光出木門。三十八分鐘。

2023.12.24 Sunday
進門,從金光變回我抱著八仔。我們到單坐位梳化坐下。脈輪梵唱。Rod of power. Chakras activation, tree of light, merkabah activation, violet flame, Michael cut cords, Raphael green rays. Gabriel cauldron. 安住。回來。謝謝各位。我們變成金光出木門。四十六分鐘。

2023.12.25 Monday
進門,從金光變回我抱著八仔。我們到單坐位梳化坐下。脈輪梵唱。Rod of power. Chakras activation, tree of light, Michael cut cords, Raphael green rays. 回來。謝謝各位。我們變成金光出木門。三十九分鐘。

2023.12.26 Tuesday
進門,從金光變回我抱著八仔。我們到單坐位梳化坐下。脈輪梵唱。Rod of power. Chakras activation, tree of light, merkabah activation, violet flame, Michael cut cords, Raphael green rays. Gabriel cauldron. 安住。回來。謝謝各位。我們變成金光出木門。三十一分鐘。

2023.12.27 Wednesday
進門,從金光變回我抱著八仔。我們到單坐位梳化坐下。脈輪梵唱。Rod of power. Chakras activation, tree of light, merkabah activation, violet flame, Michael cut cords, Raphael green rays. Gabriel cauldron,邊按摩我的頭,頭上生出兩隻黑色的角,說是好讓更敏感接收發放信息。安住。回來。謝謝各位。我們變成金光出木門。三十七分鐘。

2023.12.28 Thursday
進門,從金光變回我抱著八仔。我們到單坐位梳化坐下。脈輪梵唱。Rod of power. Chakras activation, tree of light, merkabah activation, violet flame, Michael cut cords, Raphael green rays. Gabriel cauldron. 安住。回來。謝謝各位。我們變成金光出木門。三十一分鐘。

2023.12.29 Friday
進門,從金光變回我抱著八仔。我們到單坐位梳化坐下。脈輪梵唱。Rod of power. Chakras activation, tree of light, merkabah activation, violet flame, Michael cut cords, Raphael green rays. Gabriel cauldron. 安住。如果一切外在人事,都回到自己,看對自己的意義和投射,帶來的新資訊和資源,造就明日的自己的養份,都不關那人的事,那人怎樣只是那人自己的事。回來。謝謝各位。我們變成金光出木門。四十一分鐘。

2023.12.30 Saturday
進門,從金光變回我抱著八仔。我們到單坐位梳化坐下。脈輪梵唱。Rod of power. Chakras activation, tree of light, merkabah activation, violet flame, Michael cut cords, Raphael green rays. Gabriel cauldron. 安住。空。靜。空間。回來。謝謝各位。我們變成金光出木門。三十八分鐘。

2023.12.31 Sunday
進門,從金光變回我抱著八仔。我們到單坐位梳化坐下。脈輪梵唱。Rod of power. Chakras activation, tree of light, merkabah activation, violet flame, Michael cut cords, Raphael green rays. Gabriel cauldron. 安住。回來。謝謝各位。我們變成金光出木門。四十二分鐘。

