
夢 - 時候未到



夢 - 變陣前行

夢裡,我在室外參加馬拉松,但是用走的不是跑的。媽、我和兩妹一起。我們想去洗手間,媽帶我們到一個小商場,轉了幾個彎去到一家開放式櫃枱地產舖,貼了張五間劏房的平面圖。中年一男一女坐在那裡。媽似乎跟她們相識,女人指指前面的小門,遞給我們一卷廁紙,因為剩下不多,我們分完差不多都取完。前面小門原來是通往五間劏房的秘密門。裡面正是平面圖的間隔。前面有一條直梯,洗手間在上面。我先爬上去,另一個女人遲來卻輕鬆地幾下已上了去,我卻很吃力卡在中間,只好放棄下來。我們出回小商場外面,去到一後門入口,進去便是剛才的上層。我們出回街外,到達終點銅鑼灣。我們跟著媽走到天后去看甚麼,中途發覺妹不見了,找了一會都找不到,途中遇見同事們亦已完成,坐在公園枱櫈開會,談典體的安排和準備。我打電話,知道妹已回家,她們在銅鑼灣直接走了出去大街,所以跟我們走散了。遇見媽的朋友,一枱男人,我們坐下聽他們說工作中遇到的神秘經驗。遇二妹,原來只有三妹自己回家洗完澡,她在外面逛逛吃飯。我向前走到很多小街餐館的小區。前面有間有名的開放式轉角餐館,很多名人顧客。這時店裡人不多,像已打烊,幾人包括店主、名女主持和女上司M,在近外面坐著等人一起去吃飯。我靜靜進去裡面坐下,倚窗喝小杯紅酒。窗枱上放的變成水杯,卻是空的,店方一直沒給我倒水,我便起來離開。向前走又見些餐廳小店。女同事H正坐在意大利小餐館門外露天座位吃意粉,我走過去打招呼,看了餐牌便走進店裡看蛋糕。我打算點tiramisu和開心果tiramisu gelato,年青店員們卻一直在忙。結果H已吃完,我卻沒吃成。鏡頭一轉,回到街上前些時間,我直接走到意大利小餐館,裡面頗多空位,我在近收銀廚房櫃位坐下。這裡變成老夫婦經營的小店。我點了tiramisu,大件也好吃。H來到,我跟她揮手,她說這麼巧,便過來一起坐。她點了意粉,我加點開心果tiramisu和開心果tiramisu gelato。她不知我們上次已在這裡遇見過,今次倒流我是故意來吃,也早知道她會來。


夢 - 畫課



冥想催眠日記 2024.8.13-9.8

2024.8.13 Tuesday
Earth healing. Lord Vishnu appeared, in bright white light. Divine mother talked about creativity. As not grounded, no solid plan and lack of actions. Just preliminary idea, then stop there, even brilliant ideas. be creative not only on new ideas, but also be creative to work things out, and take action. especially while in other repeating thoughts, ask whether that's important. If not, go to thoughts about how to work things out, and spend the time to take actions.

2024.8.14 Wednesday
進門,從金光變回我抱著八仔。我們到單坐位梳化坐下。Set up space and protection. Chakras activation, violet flame, tree of light, merkabah activate. Michael cut cords. Sit in the liminal sacred space and align with Sirius energy. Connect with Higher Self. Oṃ āḥ hūṃ ho haṃ kṣa malavaraya hūṃ phaṭ. sit in the energy and observe thoughts. 回來。謝謝各位。我們變成金光出木門。三十五分鐘。

2024.8.15 Thursday
進門,從金光變回我抱著八仔。我們到單坐位梳化坐下。Set up space and protection. Chakras activation, violet flame, tree of light, merkabah activate. Michael cut cords. Sit in the liminal sacred space and align with Sirius energy. Connect with Higher Self. Oṃ āḥ hūṃ ho haṃ kṣa malavaraya hūṃ phaṭ. sit in the energy and observe thoughts. 回來。謝謝各位。我們變成金光出木門。二十一分鐘。

2024.8.17 Saturday
進門,從金光變回我抱著八仔。我們到單坐位梳化坐下。Set up space and protection. Chakras activation, violet flame, tree of light, merkabah activate. Michael cut cords. Sit in the liminal sacred space and align with Sirius energy. Connect with Higher Self. Oṃ āḥ hūṃ ho haṃ kṣa malavaraya hūṃ phaṭ. 回來。謝謝各位。我們變成金光出木門。十一分鐘。

2024.8.19 Monday
進門,從金光變回我抱著八仔。我們到單坐位梳化坐下。Set up space and protection. Chakras activation, violet flame, tree of light, merkabah activate. Michael cut cords. Sit in the liminal sacred space and align with Sirius energy. Connect with Higher Self. Oṃ āḥ hūṃ ho haṃ kṣa malavaraya hūṃ phaṭ. Sit in the energy and observing emptiness. I was reminded that apart from the theoretical and philosophical advices, now I would receive more practical and workable answers to my questions. Someone said I was a keeper, an immaculate safeguarding the master skull. I asked for confirmation from other means if it is true. 回來。謝謝各位。我們變成金光出木門。三十五分鐘。

2024.8.20 Tuesday
進門,從金光變回我抱著八仔。我們到單坐位梳化坐下。Set up space and protection. Chakras activation, violet flame, tree of light, merkabah activate. Michael cut cords. Sit in the liminal sacred space and align with Sirius energy. Connect with Higher Self. Oṃ āḥ hūṃ ho haṃ kṣa malavaraya hūṃ phaṭ. 回來。謝謝各位。我們變成金光出木門。十分鐘。Earth healing.

2024.8.21 Wednesday
進門,從金光變回我抱著八仔。我們到單坐位梳化坐下。Set up space and protection. Chakras activation, violet flame, tree of light, merkabah activate. Michael cut cords. Sit in the liminal sacred space and align with Sirius energy. Connect with Higher Self. Oṃ āḥ hūṃ ho haṃ kṣa malavaraya hūṃ phaṭ. 回來。謝謝各位。我們變成金光出木門。二十分鐘。

2024.8.22 Thursday
進門,從金光變回我抱著八仔。我們到單坐位梳化坐下。Set up space and protection. Chakras activation, violet flame, tree of light, merkabah activate. Michael cut cords. Sit in the liminal sacred space and align with Sirius energy. Connect with Higher Self. Oṃ āḥ hūṃ ho haṃ kṣa malavaraya hūṃ phaṭ. Sit in the energy. 回來。謝謝各位。我們變成金光出木門。二十九分鐘。

2024.8.23 Friday
進門,從金光變回我抱著八仔。我們到單坐位梳化坐下。Set up space and protection. Chakras activation, violet flame, tree of light, merkabah activate. Michael cut cords. Sit in the liminal sacred space and align with Sirius energy. Connect with Higher Self. Oṃ āḥ hūṃ ho haṃ kṣa malavaraya hūṃ phaṭ. 回來。謝謝各位。我們變成金光出木門。二十分鐘。

2024.8.24 Saturday
進門,從金光變回我抱著八仔。我們到單坐位梳化坐下。Set up space and protection. Chakras activation, violet flame, tree of light, merkabah activate. Michael cut cords. Sit in the liminal sacred space and align with Sirius energy. Connect with Higher Self. Oṃ āḥ hūṃ ho haṃ kṣa malavaraya hūṃ phaṭ. 回來。謝謝各位。我們變成金光出木門。十五分鐘。

2024.8.25 Sunday
進門,從金光變回我抱著八仔。我們到單坐位梳化坐下。Set up space and protection. Chakras activation, violet flame, tree of light, merkabah activate. Michael cut cords. Sit in the liminal sacred space and align with Sirius energy. Connect with Higher Self. Oṃ āḥ hūṃ ho haṃ kṣa malavaraya hūṃ phaṭ. 回來。謝謝各位。我們變成金光出木門。十八分鐘。

2024.8.26 Monday
進門,從金光變回我抱著八仔。我們到單坐位梳化坐下。Set up space and protection. Chakras activation, violet flame, tree of light, merkabah activate. Michael cut cords. Sit in the liminal sacred space and align with Sirius energy. Connect with Higher Self. Oṃ āḥ hūṃ ho haṃ kṣa malavaraya hūṃ phaṭ. 回來。謝謝各位。我們變成金光出木門。三十八分鐘。

2024.8.27 Tuesday
進門,從金光變回我抱著八仔。我們到單坐位梳化坐下。Set up space and protection. Chakras activation, violet flame, tree of light, merkabah activate. Michael cut cords. Sit in the liminal sacred space and align with Sirius energy. Connect with Higher Self. Oṃ āḥ hūṃ ho haṃ kṣa malavaraya hūṃ phaṭ. 回來。謝謝各位。我們變成金光出木門。七分鐘。Earth healing.

2024.8.29 Thursday
進門,從金光變回我抱著八仔。我們到單坐位梳化坐下。Set up space and protection. Chakras activation, violet flame, tree of light, merkabah activate. Michael cut cords. Sit in the liminal sacred space and align with Sirius energy. Connect with Higher Self. Oṃ āḥ hūṃ ho haṃ kṣa malavaraya hūṃ phaṭ. 回來。謝謝各位。我們變成金光出木門。二十分鐘。

2024.8.31 Saturday
進門,從金光變回我抱著八仔。我們到單坐位梳化坐下。Set up space and protection. Chakras activation, violet flame, tree of light, merkabah activate. Michael cut cords. Sit in the liminal sacred space and align with Sirius energy. Connect with Higher Self. Oṃ āḥ hūṃ ho haṃ kṣa malavaraya hūṃ phaṭ. 回來。謝謝各位。我們變成金光出木門。二十分鐘。

2024.9.1 Sunday
進門,從金光變回我抱著八仔。我們到單坐位梳化坐下。Set up space and protection. Chakras activation, violet flame, tree of light, merkabah activate. Michael cut cords. Sit in the liminal sacred space and align with Sirius energy. Connect with Higher Self. Oṃ āḥ hūṃ ho haṃ kṣa malavaraya hūṃ phaṭ. 回來。謝謝各位。我們變成金光出木門。二十一分鐘。

2024.9.2 Monday
進門,從金光變回我抱著八仔。我們到單坐位梳化坐下。Set up space and protection. Chakras activation, violet flame, tree of light, merkabah activate. Michael cut cords. Sit in the liminal sacred space and align with Sirius energy. Connect with Higher Self. Oṃ āḥ hūṃ ho haṃ kṣa malavaraya hūṃ phaṭ. Self AAH on anxiety and related issues. 回來。謝謝各位。我們變成金光出木門。三十分鐘。

2024.9.3 Tuesday
進門,從金光變回我抱著八仔。我們到單坐位梳化坐下。Set up space and protection. Chakras activation, violet flame, tree of light, merkabah activate. Michael cut cords. Sit in the liminal sacred space and align with Sirius energy. Connect with Higher Self. Oṃ āḥ hūṃ ho haṃ kṣa malavaraya hūṃ phaṭ. 回來。謝謝各位。我們變成金光出木門。十三分鐘。earth healing.

2024.9.4 Wednesday
Rescue meditation.

2024.9.5 Thursday
進門,從金光變回我抱著八仔。我們到單坐位梳化坐下。Set up space and protection. Chakras activation, violet flame, tree of light, merkabah activate. Michael cut cords. Sit in the liminal sacred space and align with Sirius energy. Connect with Higher Self. Oṃ āḥ hūṃ ho haṃ kṣa malavaraya hūṃ phaṭ. 回來。謝謝各位。我們變成金光出木門。二十二分鐘。

2024.9.6 Friday
進門,從金光變回我抱著八仔。我們到單坐位梳化坐下。Set up space and protection. Chakras activation, violet flame, tree of light, merkabah activate. Michael cut cords. Sit in the liminal sacred space and align with Sirius energy. Connect with Higher Self. Oṃ āḥ hūṃ ho haṃ kṣa malavaraya hūṃ phaṭ. 回來。謝謝各位。我們變成金光出木門。二十二分鐘。

2024.9.8 Sunday
進門,從金光變回我抱著八仔。我們到單坐位梳化坐下。Set up space and protection. Chakras activation, violet flame, tree of light, merkabah activate. Michael cut cords. Sit in the liminal sacred space and align with Sirius energy. Connect with Higher Self. Oṃ āḥ hūṃ ho haṃ kṣa malavaraya hūṃ phaṭ. 回來。謝謝各位。我們變成金光出木門。二十一分鐘。


夢 - 埋首解謎



夢 - 醫院辦公



夢 - 意圖
